э-почта: info@workin.lv;
Адрес: ул. Бривибас 144, 2 этаж, каб. 21, Рига, Латвия, LV-1001
Для соискателей +371 20018300
Для работодателей +371 22479424
Времы работы:
Понедельник- четверг 09:00- 17:30, пятница 09:00-17:00
Прием кандидатов по предварительной записи.
ООО «AMB Solutions» , рег. 40103354574, Лицензия 14/2016 ЛР ГАЗ
The WORK IN agency has been a reliable partner in the field of employment since 2010, specializing in temporary staffing, mid- and senior-level recruitment services and payroll services. With special experience, we seamlessly connect companies with specialists, promoting success and growth in the labour market..
144 Brivibas Street, 2nd floor, room 21, Riga, Latvia, LV-1001
E-mail: office@workin.lv
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