Mass staff selection
Recruitment agency WORK IN offers recruitment of mass staff that includes searching and selection of personnel in a large amount for homogeneous work like at lines of production or logistics. Necessity for mass selection may occur, for example, in opening
- new shopping centers,
- hotels,
- factories,
- new branch,
- realizing construction projects.
Mass selection is also related to selection of shop assistants, hotel service staff, factory workers, namely selection of those workers that are easy to find and their job duties are standardized enough and are not unique.
For international companies we can also provide staff leasing, temporary leasing or classic recruitment.
Specialization of the recruitment agency WORK IN
- retail sales.
- finance, banking, accounting services.
- IT and telecommunications.
- professionals (top managers and top-level professionals).
- advertising and media.
- industrial production.
- food industry.
- transport & logistics.
- medical staff.
- administrative and office personnel.
- tourism and hotel business.
- services sector.
- home staff.
How WORK IN recruitment agency works
Recruitment agency WORK IN has a personal database of applicants and well-developed recruitment methods, which allow to make a phone screening and on-the-spot interview or job interview, when a huge amount of specialists needed in a short period.
Meanwhile, using WORK IN recruitment agency’s mass recruitment service, one recruiter’s costs are less for a client and all the expenses are worthwhile, instead of organizing mass staff selection on own account.
- Recruitment services terms and conditions are agreed individually with an employer after all details of the vacancy are known.
- The price for recruitment services is affordable to every employer.
- Clients safe their money (time = money), you can focus on other important projects.
Service includes:
- Evaluation of a vacancy;
- Professional compilation of an advertisement in accordance with the vacancy;
- Placement of job advertisements;
- Evaluation CV and cover letters received;
- Sorting CV;
- Phone screenings;
- Job interviews with candidates,
- Preparation of documents of the final candidates, CV, job interview results;
- Arrangement of meetings with candidates and the employer.
Benefits of working with WORK IN recruiting agency:
- Optimal costs for staff recruitment.
- Saving your time and effort.
- Only selected, interviewed candidates who meet your requirements.
- Up to 3 months warranty for candidate replacement.
- Complete confidentiality for working with your vacancy.
The full selection process is guaranteed.
A guarantee period is from 1 till 3 months, in which we undertake to offer replacement of the candidate if the candidate is dismissed due to his fault or has not fulfilled the guarantee period.